• What You Need to Know About Home Elevator Maintenance

    After you invest in a brand new elevator for your home, you will need to make sure that your system is operating smoothly and safely. Rather than attempting to perform elevator maintenance on your own, you should always trust this service to a certified company that installs and repairs elevators serving Salt Lake City. With professional residential elevator maintenance , you will have total peace of mind when you use your home elevator system. Let’s review some important information that every homeowner needs to know about maintaining a home elevator.

    Home elevator maintenance

    Elevator Maintenance Includes Preventative Services

    Rather than waiting for your elevator to show signs of a mechanical issue before you schedule your repairs, you will want to set up your maintenance procedures before you ever notice signs of a problem. During your elevator maintenance appointment, your technician will carefully inspect your elevator and make sure that all of its systems are up and running properly. Preventative maintenance will keep your elevator in safe operating condition, throughout its entire lifespan.

    Elevator Maintenance Should Be Performed By Professionals

    While you may be tempted to repair minor home elevator problems on your own, doing DIY elevator maintenance could lead to a dangerous situation for you and your family members. Instead of breaking out the tool box when you notice an elevator issue, it is a safer idea to bring in the professionals. Your elevator maintenance technician will have the training and tools needed to safely and effectively fix your system.

    Elevator Maintenance Requires Quality Parts

    Over time, the many different mechanical components of your elevator will experience natural wear and tear. During a maintenance procedure, your technician should always use quality parts that have been certified by the elevator’s manufacturer. When you take the time to set up elevator maintenance at routine intervals throughout the year, you will help to save on the cost of emergency repairs and prolong the lifespan of your elevator. To book your next maintenance appointment, be sure to call an elevator company in your area.

  • Tips for Choosing the Right Home Elevator

    When you are constructing a luxurious new residence for your family, you may want to include an elevator in your design. Elevators add superior convenience to multi-level homes, and your residential elevator is sure to delight your family and friends. A company that offers high-quality elevator sales near Salt Lake City will work closely with you to help you choose a unit that meets the needs of your family. By selecting your elevator carefully, you can make sure that it provides you with years of service. Here is a look at some tips to keep in mind when you are choosing a home elevator.

    Home Elevator

    Consider Your Home’s Layout

    An elevator will take up space on every floor that it services. By keeping space in mind as you are choosing your new elevator, you can make sure that your elevator integrates seamlessly into your home design. If you have a smaller home, or want to save space, you will want to find a compact elevator that is designed for residential use.

    Evaluate Various Elevator Styles

    Style is also a key consideration when you are choosing a new home elevator. New elevators come in a variety of styles, so you will want to pick out a model that matches the interior design scheme of your home. If your home has classic design cues, it will be important to pick out a classically styled elevator that features luxurious embellishments. Modern homes may look best when they are paired with streamlined elevators.

    Ask About Maintenance Plans

    The right home elevator will be easy to maintain over the years. When you are shopping for a new elevator for your home, you can ask your sales team to help you find a new elevator that has a great record of reliability. As you are making your purchase, you may also want to inquire about any warranty or service plans that are included with your unit. By selecting your elevator carefully, you are sure to enjoy your purchase.

  • The Owner’s Guide to Home Elevator Safety

    An elevator is a fun and functional addition to any property. When you choose to install a new elevator in Salt Lake City, you will find that your installation provides you with improved access to every floor of your home. After your residential elevator installation is complete, you will want to set up regular elevator maintenance services . By keeping your elevator properly maintained, you can ensure that your elevator is safe for your entire family to use. Let’s take a closer look at the essentials of elevator safety for the home.

    Safety Home Elevator

    Always Supervise Your Children

    When you first install a new elevator in your home, your children may be excited about your purchase. However, you will want to emphasize the fact that your elevator is not a toy. Whenever young children are using the elevator, they should be supervised by an adult. You will also need to teach your children about the essentials of how to safely use the elevator, as well as what they should do in the event of an emergency.

    Perform Periodic Safety Inspections

    Your elevator is equipped with safety devices that are designed to engage in the event of an emergency. At periodic intervals throughout the year, you will want to perform thorough inspections of all of your elevator’s safety systems. If you find that one or more systems are not running properly, you should call your elevator maintenance technician immediately. Your elevator company can also help you identify potential safety considerations for your elevator.

    Install Extra Safety and Security Features

    To provide yourself with additional peace of mind, it is a good idea to install additional safety and security features for your system. For example, you may be able to equip your elevator with a keyed shutoff system. The shutoff system will allow you to turn off your elevator and prevent children or unauthorized people from using the elevator car.

  • What Are the Benefits of Installing a Dumbwaiter?

    If you own or manage a building that contains many different floors, you may want to consider installing a dumbwaiter that functions alongside your elevator. Unlike an elevator, which is designed to transport people up and down the various stories of a building, a dumbwaiter is specifically crafted to move goods and materials. A company that offers elevator services can help you choose between a dumbwaiter or high quality elevator near Salt Lake City.

    Installing a dumbwaiter

    There are a few terrific advantages to installing a dumbwaiter on your property. With a dumbwaiter, you can easily send items to a different floor of your building, without having to carry them by hand. Dumbwaiters can also be used in large warehouses to transport materials or items that are ready to be shipped. A new dumbwaiter may also be a fabulous addition to your home, as it will allow you to send loads of laundry down to your basement laundry room.

  • A Quick Look at the Convenience of Kitchen Dumbwaiters

    Elevators serving Salt Lake City aren’t just for people. A dumbwaiter is a convenient addition to the home, and with the right maintenance, it can be a long-standing appliance in your kitchen. Check out this video clip for a quick look at the convenience of kitchen dumbwaiters .

    A kitchen dumbwaiter can be great in both residential and commercial settings. If your kids are having a sleepover and you have prepared them some snacks, you can send them upstairs from the kitchen using your dumbwaiter. Then they can send the dumbwaiter back down with their dishes. A residential dumbwaiter can also be helpful if you are bedridden with an illness or have mobility problems, as you can have food and medicine sent up to you. In a restaurant, a dumbwaiter presents a convenient way to send food from the kitchen to another level of the establishment without the risk of spills.

  • Choosing One of Our Seamless Designs for Your Custom Residential Elevator

    Installing a new elevator in Salt Lake City may be a great idea because it makes your home more practical, and the right design can also add to your home’s cosmetic appeal. Overall, installing an elevator should help you get the most out of your home as well as increase its value to potential buyers. Carson Elevator offers several different style options, so you can find the perfect fit for your needs. Between our Signature, Hampton, and Premier Series design options, you should have no trouble finding what you’re looking for. Read ahead for help in choosing one of our seamless designs for your custom residential elevator.

    Residential Elevator


    If versatility is what you’re looking for, be sure to look towards our Signature cab series. This series offers plenty of customizable options to choose from. You can choose between mirrors and arches as well as wooden stains or paint, and you’ll find even more customization in the cab options. Whether you choose natural oak wood or veneers, the cab in your Signature Series will be available in different colors and finishes. You can also add a smoked mirror panel or laminated safety glass on the side or back wall of the elevator.


    When simplicity and grace top the list of needs for your custom residential elevator, the Hampton Series may be what you’re looking for. Like the Signature Series, the Hampton Series is also quite versatile and can fit in with modern or traditional home designs. You will enjoy an oak veneer panel for your cab design, and the included oak moldings offer different color options. You can also trade out oak for birch, cherry, or another wood species that suits your taste.


    There’s nice, and then there’s impressive. If you’re looking to impress with your new elevator, look into the Premier Series. This is Carson Elevator’s top-notch product and can work wonders for the aesthetics in your home. You’ll have a plethora of options for lighting, buttons, and ceiling design in your Premier Series elevator cab, so you can control every aspect of your home design.

  • Benefits of Commercial Trus-T-Lifts

    According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, all commercial buildings should offer safe and comfortable entrances to those with mobility issues. If you are shopping for new elevators or lifts that are ADA compliant, you may want to consider purchasing a Trust-T-Lift. Your Trust-T-Lift can be easily installed by a company that specializes in elevators serving Salt Lake City. With your Trus-T-Lift installation, you can rest assured that all of your customers are able to safely enter your building.

    The Trus-T-Lift system offers many advantages to commercial building owners. Your Trus-T-Lift will allow you to provide accessibility to entranceways that are located up flights of stairs or on elevated platforms. Additionally, a Trus-T-Lift is a good option for you if your current building does not have space for a wheelchair ramp. You can also use your Trus-T-Lift to carry and transport heavy items and equipment during your daily business operations. Finally, a Trus-T-Lift is typically more affordable than many other types of accessibility elevators.

  • The Inner Workings of Your Elevator

    When you are thinking about installing an elevator in Salt Lake City , you may want to gather information about how these devices work. In this video, you will take a quick look at the mechanics behind elevators. A mechanic named Elisha Otis discovered the physics behind elevators when he was working in a factory. With the invention of the elevator, Otis revolutionized our modern buildings.

    Rope and hydraulic elevators are the two most common types of elevators that are in use today. Inside a rope elevator, you will find a series of counterweights that travel along a shaft. Hydraulic elevators, by contrast, use hydraulic energy to push the elevator car up and down. No matter what type of elevator you choose to install in your building, it is very important to set up routine services for your system.

  • Common Questions About Residential Elevators

    When you are planning on building or renovating a home that has more than one story, you may want to consider including an elevator in your designs. Elevators are becoming more and more common in private residences, and your new residential elevator will add value and accessibility to your property. A company that specializes in elevator maintenance and installation can assist you with every step of installing an elevator in Salt Lake City. To underscore the benefits of an elevator installation for your home, here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about residential elevators.

    Residential Elevators

    What Type of Elevator Is Suitable for My Home?

    As you are considering a residential elevator installation, you may have questions about the different types of elevators that can be installed on your property. A residential contractor may be able to provide you with a roped hydraulic, winding drum, or custom elevator design. Your elevator installation professional can help you choose an elevator drive system that meets the needs and safety requirements of your household.

    Do I Need to Dig a Pit for My Elevator?

    While most commercial elevators require elevator pits in order to be properly installed, your residential elevator may be able to be placed in your home without the need to dig a special pit. If you are placing an elevator in an existing residence, you may want to choose a pit-less model. However, wen you are planning an elevator installation for your brand new home, you may still include a pit in your architectural plans.

    Will My Elevator Be Safe?

    Safety is a top consideration for any homeowner who is considering an elevator installation. Residential elevators are extremely safe if they are installed and maintained properly. Working with a reputable elevator company for your installation will provide you with the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your elevator has been properly placed in your home. Over the years, it is also important to schedule regular safety inspections and maintenance appointments for your elevator.

  • Choosing the Right Design for Your Corporate Elevator

    An elevator is a key feature for any corporate high rise building. When you are planning on renovating your corporate headquarters, or are in the middle of a new construction project, it is very important to make sure that your elevator reflects the style and personality of your business. A commercial elevator company that specializes in installing elevators serving Salt Lake City will be able to work closely with you to choose an elevator that matches perfectly with your building’s architectural style. Let’s explore some tips for choosing the right design for your corporate elevator.

    Corporate Elevator

    Consider Passenger Size

    Your elevator will be responsible for transporting your clients and workers between different floors and spaces in your building. During the busy morning and evening hours, the last thing that you will want to deal with is an elevator that is jammed with passengers. To make sure that your elevator is able to accommodate everyone who comes to your building, you will want to make sure that you choose a cab that offers the correct passenger size.

    Ask About Drive Systems

    As you are shopping for a new elevator system for your corporate building, you will also want to make sure that you choose a drive system that is able to perform to your standards. Modern elevators often contain winding drum drive systems, which are able to operate in more compact spaces. Other important components for your drive system include hydraulic brakes and efficient gears.

    Evaluate Cab Décor

    When a potential corporate client enters your elevator for the first time, you will want to make sure that he or she is impressed with the style and elegance of your décor. To provide your elevator with a luxurious look, you may want to consider outfitting the cab with top of the line features, including premium wall finishes, mirrors, and stylish lighting. By taking the time to decorate your elevator cab, you can ensure that your elevator is a beautiful reflection of the quality of your corporate space.