If you find that you have trouble carrying heavy packages up and down the flights of stairs in your home, now may be the time to contact a company that offers elevator services near Salt Lake City. Along with installing new elevators, your residential elevator specialists may also offer dumbwaiters and package lift. These accessibility elevators can make a huge difference in your overall safety and convenience at home.
There are a couple of major differences between package lifts and dumbwaiters. A package lift is installed alongside your stairway so that it can lift heavy items up and down your stairs. As a result of its design, a package lift carries objects in a diagonal direction. Dumbwaiters are much more like elevators in their design. A dumbwaiter is housed in a special shaft, and carries packages vertically between floors. If you will be transferring your packages between many different stories of a single building or house, a dumbwaiter may be a better option for your needs.